Sun Tzu

544 BC - 496 BC

Sun Tzu was a Chinese military strategist and philosopher, best known for his work "The Art of War," a timeless treatise on military strategy and tactics. His teachings have transcended time and discipline, influencing leaders across the world in various fields.


Sun Tzu, born Sun Wu in the state of Qi, China, during the Eastern Zhou period, displayed a keen intellect and profound understanding of military strategy from an early age. His insights were not only confined to warfare but extended to philosophy and strategy. A quote that encapsulates his early perspective on war and life is, "All warfare is based on deception." This demonstrates his belief in the importance of strategy over brute force.

Prime Years

Sun Tzu’s prime years were marked by his service as a general and military strategist for King Helü of Wu. His strategic genius was demonstrated in numerous battles where his innovative tactics led to decisive victories. His book, "The Art of War," became a significant work that outlined his principles of warfare, such as the importance of adaptability and the psychological aspects of warfare.

One of his notable quotes during this period is, "Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win." This reflects his belief in thorough preparation and strategic planning before engaging in conflict.


Sun Tzu's legacy extends far beyond the battlefield. His teachings on strategy, leadership, and human nature have influenced not only military leaders but also business executives, sports coaches, and politicians. His principles of deception, adaptability, and psychological warfare are still taught in military academies worldwide.

A testament to his enduring influence is the quote, "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting," which emphasizes the value of strategy and diplomacy over direct confrontation. Sun Tzu's impact on leadership and strategy continues to be relevant in the modern world, making his work a cornerstone of both military and civilian strategic thought.

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Who Said It

Sun Tzu
(544 BC - 496 BC)

Sun Tzu was a Chinese military strategist and philosopher, best known for his work "The Art of War," a timeless treatise on military strategy and tactics. His teachings have transcended time and discipline, influencing leaders across the world in various fields.

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